(Each month our feature question is taken from the BuildForce Canada Respectful Workplace Online Self-Assessment Tool. This Tool allows organization leadership to assess their progress toward a Respectful and Inclusive Workplace and benchmark their progress confidentially against other construction organizations. This Tool is one of three in the BuildForce Canada online Respectful and Inclusive Workplace Toolkit.)
Does your organization demonstrate support for respectful and inclusive principles that goes beyond meeting the minimum legal requirements?
Creating and supporting a respectful and inclusive workplace requires more than just meeting legal requirements. Respect and inclusion must be a way of life throughout the organization.
Here are some examples:
- Provide training for leaders/managers, supervisors and those involved in recruitment about the barriers to inclusion and the effects of their own biases on selection, development and advancement decisions.
- Review working conditions to ensure they are inclusive (e.g., gender-appropriate washrooms and personal protective equipment and clothing that are appropriate for women).
- Ensure that training on respectful and inclusive principles is provided in a variety of delivery methods such as orientation manuals/training, toolbox talks, lunch and learns, in classroom, online and social media.
For more info:
- BuildForce Canada. Respectful and Inclusive Workplace Toolkit.
- The Diversity Collegium. Global Diversity & Inclusion Benchmarks: Standards for Organizations Around the World. 2016.
This project has been funded by Status of Women Canada.