(Each month our feature question is taken from the BuildForce Canada Respectful Workplace Online Self-Assessment Tool. This Tool allows organization leadership to assess their progress toward a Respectful and Inclusive Workplace and benchmark their progress confidentially against other construction organizations. This Tool is one of three in the BuildForce Canada online Respectful and Inclusive Workplace Toolkit.)
Does your organization regularly share its respectful and inclusive workplace objectives with its subcontractors, consultants and suppliers?
There are many benefits to sharing and encouraging business partners to adopt respectful and inclusive objectives:
- Demonstrates your organization’s commitment to its stated core values of respect and inclusion
- Establishes your organization’s expectations for respectful and inclusive behaviour in business interactions
- Encourages your business partners to invest in their human resources practices and improve their competitiveness
- Helps to support businesses that are already diverse such as those owned and operated by people of different genders, backgrounds and circumstances
For more info:
- Applications Management Consulting Ltd. Recruiting and Employing Persons with Disabilities: Results of the 2014 Calgary & Area Employer Survey. Alberta Works. 2014.
- BuildForce Canada. Respectful and Inclusive Workplace Toolkit.

This project has been funded by Status of Women Canada.

Respectful and Inclusive Workplaces