THE AVERAGE AGE OF THE CONSTRUCTION LABOUR is increasing, the baby boomers are beginning to retire, and way fewer new people are entering construction than those who are retiring.
The time is right to get into the industry. You may just find your dream career!
Hover over the provinces to see how the numbers stack up for your region over the next 10 years (2023-2032).

- Estimated Retirements
- 38,200
- Estimated New Entrants
- 38,000
- Average Age of Labour Force
- 41 years old
British Columbia

- Estimated Retirements
- 38,200
- Estimated New Entrants
- 33,900
- Average Age of Labour Force
- 41 years old

- Estimated Retirements
- 7,600
- Estimated New Entrants
- 8,700
- Average Age of Labour Force
- 40 years old
New Brunswick

- Estimated Retirements
- 6,500
- Estimated New Entrants
- 4,700
- Average Age of Labour Force
- 42 years old
Newfoundland And Labrador

- Estimated Retirements
- 5,700
- Estimated New Entrants
- 3,400
- Average Age of Labour Force
- 44 years old
Nova Scotia

- Estimated Retirements
- 7,800
- Estimated New Entrants
- 6,600
- Average Age of Labour Force
- 41 years old

- Estimated Retirements
- 82,600
- Estimated New Entrants
- 88,400
- Average Age of Labour Force
- 40 years old
Prince Edward Island

- Estimated Retirements
- 1,490
- Estimated New Entrants
- 1,450
- Average Age of Labour Force
- 40 years old

- Estimated Retirements
- 48,200
- Estimated New Entrants
- 43,100
- Average Age of Labour Force
- 42 years old

- Estimated Retirements
- 8,600
- Estimated New Entrants
- 9,500
- Average Age of Labour Force
- 41 years old

Your career in the Canadian construction industry can lead you anywhere you want to go.

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