Types of Employers

There are more than 370,000 COMPANIES in the Canadian construction industry today.

1.5 million canadians work in construction

The large number of entrepreneurs in the industry means that the average company size is quite small. More than 60% of construction employers have less than five employees.

types of construction companies that you could work for:

General Contractors

Usually work with landowners or companies that want to build a structure. They act as the primary contractor on projects that involve a range of specialized construction activities, which are often sub-contracted out.


Similar to general contractors, but they provide architectural and engineering designs as well as construction.

Construction Managers

Oversee and schedule construction for their clients.

Speculative Builders

Also known as operative builders or merchant builders construct buildings they plan to sell – like houses or apartment buildings

Trade Contractors

Deal with specific parts of a project such as masonry, painting or electrical work. They can work under contract with a primary (general) contractor, or directly with a property owner for renovation and repairs.


The Canadian construction industry employs over 1.5 million people (that’s 1 in 13 people) – more than almost any other industry in Canada.